Dopper - The bottle is the mission

Veröffentlicht auf 10 August 2020
Dopper - The bottle is the mission

We are proud to be among a select group of resellers collaborating with Dopper. We’re joining their mission to empower people to choose reusable over single-use plastic water bottles. Why? To protect our world’s waters. Each Dopper sold reduces plastic pollution, and contributes to education and clean drinking water projects. We are ready to make impact. Are you?

How it started

In 2009, Dopper Founder Merijn Everaarts saw a documentary about the plastic soup. And instead of just feeling shocked and moving on, he decided to take action. He wondered: why would you buy bottled water, when there’s excellent water coming straight from the tap? For free! He launched a design competition for the perfect sustainable water bottle. And BANG! In 2010, the Dopper Original saw the light of day.

The mission

Dopper Mission Plastic SoupDopper wants to empower people to choose reusable over single-use water bottles, to protect our world’s water sources. Every bottle fuels that mission. How? First of all, they raise awareness about plastic pollution with international campaigns. To help people see the need for change, creating a movement of changemakers, carrying the Dopper bottles as a badge of honour. Companies, influencers, consumers or just families and friends, all are spreading the message to stop plastic pollution and drink from the tap.

Making drinking water a standard for everyoneSecond, they offer educational programmes and fund research. Because they believe that, the more you know about a problem, the closer you are to solving it. 

And third, Dopper makes a change by investing in clean drinking water projects. They are contributing to organisations like Simavi and Smart Paani which are providing people in Nepal with safe drinking water. Each bottle sold contributes to this mission.

But wait, there's more! Dopper is officially certified as a B Corp - a Benefit Corporation - that means they are part of a global movement in a new economy that uses business as a force for good! They are also part of the GoodShipping Program, which aims to make 100% renewable fuels the standard for all oversea shipments. Challenging the seafaring industry to become more sustainable, showing others it can be done.

So, what makes Dopper different?

  • With Dopper, you make impact
  • 100% mission-driven
  • Empowering people to choose reusable over single-use water bottles
    • Awareness campaigns
    • Education programmes
    • Providing access to clean water
  • Certified B Corporation
  • Sustainable production process and shipping

Dopper Original
