Screenprint from 5 pieces!

Publié sur 15 octobre 2018
Screenprint from 5 pieces!

We have great news, especially for associations, startups and SME's who want to work with small budgets and print runs. After internal discussions and optimizing our processes, we have been able to reduce the minimum order quantity for screen printing even further. After all, for many clothing and textile items, a minimum order of 15 pieces was required before screen printing was a possibility.

Well, we have reduced this minimum order quantity for almost all textile items to only 5, yes you are reading this correctly, 5 pieces when it comes to screen printing in 1 color. This means that from now on you will only have to order 5 T-shirts, polo shirts, sweaters, safety vests or whatever to enjoy undoubtedly the most popular printing technique for clothing and textile items. Screen printing is very durable, allows detailed prints and gives you the guarantee that your color will look as you envisioned it.

Tout juste sorti de presse