Meet HackYourFuture, our new partner!

Publié sur 22 août 2018
Meet HackYourFuture, our new partner!

You might have decuced from our previous article regarding our parnership with WeForest, that we at PrintSimple try to do something for people's well-being in the world whenever we can. That's why we've started a new partnership with HackYourFuture

Wh@t's th@t?

HackYourFuture is a computer programming course that gives refugees the chance to become web developers. This citizens' initiative was launched in Amsterdam and is currently active in 4 different countries, including in Belgium! During the six-month course, the refugees gain fundamental knowledge about programming and web development. 

In addition to the programming, the students are also familiarized with project-management, self-dependence and the local corporate culture. In this way, they get prepared for the job market and are able to hack into a better future for themselves.

Each class consists of 15 motivated students who have received an official residence status. HackYourFuture covers their transportation costs and provides the necessary equipement. Furthermore, there is close supervison by teachers, coaches and HYF-alumni, together they form a community. This guidance helps students to further integrate into our society and motivates them to get a better future. 

Help refugees to hack their future

With HackYourFuture we support a local project that contributes to a global problem, namely the refugee flow. By teaching the students hands-on skills that we currently lack in large numbers in Belgium (think of the many open IT-vacancies), HackYourFuture gives the refugees a real future perspective to get a good job and be completely self-dependence. Which again benefits the economy, their integration and the general living environment in Belgium.

In summary, we think this is an awesome initiative and we are proud that we have a partnership with HackYourFuture! Don't forget to take a look at their site for more info or watch the video below.

Tout juste sorti de presse