12 educational weeks, which boosted my self-development!

12 educational weeks, which boosted my self-development!

Par %auteur - %fonction

As part of my bachelor's degree in business management Allround, I was able to experience 12 educational weeks at PrintSimple for my internship, which introduced me to the business world.

I finally got to apply my theoretical baggage in practice. The challenges really added value to my self-development and prepared me for a future job.

You end up in a young and growing company, which means there is always something to do, so you won't have time to be bored. The atmosphere here is definitely good too. There are laughs and jokes in between and even some music is played. Flexibility is also key. There is no 9-5 mentality and you can pick your own hours. Even you as an intern! There are also always tasty snacks in the office where you can recharge your battery in between. Nobody likes to work on an empty stomach.

As an Allround student, I was able to perform various tasks such as writing blogs, FAQs and content for products, as well as designing a brochure and making a newsletter and charting certain data with tools such as Excel.

I quickly felt comfortable within the young and friendly team. I was guided where necessary and at the same time allowed to function as a real employee. My interests and personal development were also definitely taken into account. Would you like to link your bachelor's thesis to your internship? No problem, they will work with you to find a topic that interests both you and the company.

I am happy with the great opportunity I have had here, in which my personal development has seen a very certain growth. For this I thank PrintSimple and its team as well.


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