Tap water or bottled water?

Publié sur 14 juin 2021
Tap water or bottled water?

You should drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. These are about 6-8 large glasses. Do you choose tap water or bottled water to get to this amount?

The discussion of whether you should opt for tap water or bottled water is not a new one. Many people choose bottled water because they find it tastier, find a bottle more convenient to carry or think it is healthier than tap water.

However, bottled water is a lot more expensive and the plastic bottles create a larger amount of waste. Tap water is cheaper, better for the environment, subject to strict quality requirements and super convenient to take with you in your own drinking bottle.

Tap water is cheaper

Tap water is a lot cheaper than bottled water. Tap water costs on average €0.005/liter, while bottled water costs on average €1.00/liter. This means that bottled water is about 200 times more expensive!

You can use that savings to buy a cool drinking bottle, for example.

Tap water is healthier

Bottled water in our country is not purer or healthier than tap water. Tap water is checked on more than 60 different points, making it the most strictly controlled food we have. For example, it must not contain micro-organisms in quantities that could pose a health hazard.

Bottled water is not always free of micro-organisms. In some cases, it also has such high concentrations of fluorine, sulphate and/or sodium that it is not suitable for daily consumption.

Tap water is more environmental-friendly

Tap water does not need packaging. This saves a lot of plastic bottles and plastic waste! Tap water also does not have to be transported to the store by truck. This makes it a lot more environmental-friendly!

Convinced of tap water?

You are convinced of the benefits and would like to help the people within your company, customer relations, sports team, etc. to stay healthy and hydrated? Then a reusable drinking bottle with your logo or personal design is the way to go! A true win-win situation: you enjoy advertising, and they enjoy a nice, handy gift.

But which drinking bottle do you choose best? Sports bottles are ideal during sports and the Bullet drinking bottles, for example the Bullet Sky bottle, are very popular for promotional purposes. Do you attach great importance to the ecological aspect of the drinking bottle itself? Then view the drinking bottles of the Impact collection!

Can't quite figure it out yourself? Simply contact us by phone or email and we will look for the best solution together.

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