Bullet Heli flexible mousepad

Bullet Heli flexible mousepad

Protect your desks against scratches from your mouse with the Bullet Heli flexible mouse pad.

Design guidelines

You aren't sure how to properly design your print file? Check out the design guidelines for Bullet Heli flexible mousepads.

In stock?

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Stock Bullet Heli flexible mousepads

Unfortunately we don't have an infinite supply of our products. Make sure you check if the color and/or size you need is available. Need something that isn't in stock or you need more than we currently have? Don't worry! You can just order it right now and we will print and ship everything as soon as the total quantity becomes available.

Color Current stock Future stock
Black 8.269 8.269
Off White 0 0 02/04/2025 - 1.774 1.774