What is stone paper?

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Stone paper is a type of paper made of 80% calcium carbonate (limestone) and 20% bio-polyethylene resin (HDPE). The limestone is used as raw material from existing limestone quarries and processed into a fine powder. The HDPE is used as a binding agent. HDPE is a recycled plastic and can be recycled again after use. Moreover, it is also an eco-friendly & sustainable material.

Why stone paper?

Stone paper is an excellent alternative to traditional paper. Compared to normal paper, stone paper is thicker, more tear proof, water repellent, oil repellent and has a completely smooth surface. As you write, you will notice how "soft" your notes feel.

Stone paper contains no wood, so no trees are cut down to make this paper. No water and additional chemicals are added either. The production of stone paper emits 67% less co2 than the production of a similar volume of pulp paper. The material has received the C2C (cradle to cradle) silver certificate, this means that the material is fully recyclable without any addition of extra raw materials.