I have a complaint! What do I do?

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You have placed an order with us, but after you have received your order, you see that it is not completely as you expected. The shipping box is damaged, the printing is not correct, you are missing part of the shipment,...

What now?

  1. If your order is not completely satisfactory, we would like you to contact us. In that case, we will find out what went wrong and how we can solve this for you. You can contact us by telephone, but we would prefer it if you could send an email to info@printsimple.eu. This way, you can add photos that show the problem.
  2. We will open an internal investigation and a quality manager will review your complaint in detail. We would like to help you as quickly as possible and will therefore notify you that we are handling the complaint within 24 hours. If we need additional information, photos, physical examples, etc., we will let you know.
  3. Once we have investigated your complaint, we will let you know the results of this investigation. Is your complaint justified? Then we offer you our deepest apologies in advance and we will make you a proposal to rectify the situation.

Attention: don't throw anything away! In some cases we need physical samples to assess your complaint.