How do I confirm a price quote?

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To convert a price quote into an order, you have to confirm this price quote on our website. You have received this offer via e-mail as well. In that e-mail you can find a button which you can click to confirm your quote online. Figure 1 shows an example of this button.

The confirmation button in the e-mail with your price quote
Figure 1: the confirmation button in the e-mail with your price quote

Did you lose the e-mail? No problem, if you log on to the website and go to price quotes, you'll get an overview of all your price quotes. In the status column you will also find a link to confirm your quote (figure 2). Of course you can always open the quotation first and then proceed to the confirmation page (figure 3).

The confirmation link in the overview page of my price quotes
Figure 2: the confirmation link in the overview page of my price quotes


The confirmation link on the price quote page
Figure 3: the confirmation link on the price quote page

Once you are on the confirmation page, you can choose which products you want to order. You do that by simply checking the products you want and unchecking the others.

Note: not every quotation can be partially confirmed! Some offers are only valid if they are accepted completely. This is stated on the quotation.

Once you have selected your desired products, click the green button at the bottom right. This will take you into the ordering process.