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What do I have to take into account with pallet shipments?

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Sometimes we ship your order on a pallet, instead of normal packages. In some situations, shipping your order on pallets is the safest, cheapest or only transport option. For example, with heavy, large, fragile/sensitive or bulky shipments.

Shipping one or more pallets from point A to point B is much more complex than transporting packages. This is because packages can be sorted automatically and at great speed, which is not the case with pallets.

Points of attention for standard pallet shipments

For standard pallet shipments, take the following points into account.

Transport time

The transport time is often around 3-5 business days, but it can take longer. For example, during busy periods like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, ...


In most cases there is no tracking code available. Even if it is available, it is often unreliable.

Delivery time

We work with a time window of 2 consecutive working days on which the delivery will take place.

Delivery attempts

Our prices include 1 delivery attempt.


Our prices are based on delivery that meets the following conditions:

  1. Delivery to a professional address at the door on the ground floor.
  2. The address is open continuously from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
  3. Release means (unloading dock, pallet truck, forklift, etc.) are available at the address.

When is a pallet shipment not standard?

  • You have a hard deadline.
  • Delivery must take place in a small window of time (e.g. on 1 specific day or even in a certain time slot)
  • You wish to be called by the driver in advance.
  • You do not have the necessary release equipment (unloading dock, pallet truck, forklift, etc.).
  • Delivery must take place at a private address.

If your order meets one or more of the above criteria, ask us about the possibilities before placing your order! This way we can ensure that the pallet shipment can be delivered quickly and on time and avoid unnecessary stress for everyone.

In many cases, a standard pallet shipment can be supplemented with additional service options at an additional cost or replaced by an express pallet shipment (in groupage or dedicated with or without extra service options).

Tip: we strongly recommend that shipments always take place at an address where someone is constantly present on normal working days to prevent disappointments!