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Everything about banners

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A banner comes in all sizes. That's why it's important you can determine the size of your banner while ordering it. To help you with this, we have added some frequently requested sizes as separate products. This way you don't need to think about the size yourself. Except for the banner size, all materials and finishing methods are the same.

We have the mobile fence bannerwhich exist in different sizes. Therefore, we have added 5 standard sizes in our shop: 340 x 168 cm, 340 x 170 cm, 340 x 175 cm, 335 x 175 cm and 330 x 170 cm.

We also have the crowd barrier banner, which is basically the same, but comes in a different size: 215 x 73 cm or 220 x 75 cm. Should you need a different size, for example a mobile fence banner with a size of 338 x 175 cm? No problem, you can order a custom banner with a size of your choosing.

A custom banner (choose your own size) has some restrictions regarding its size. The minimum size of a banner is 50 x 50 cm. For the maximum dimensions, the only condition is that the surface of one banner should not exceed 40 m². The size of the banner can be 8000 x 50 cm or 4000 x 100 cm, but the surface of one banner can't be larger than 40 m².

Do you need a bigger banner? No problem, of course we also have a solution for that: the XXL banner. The minimum area is 40 m² and the maximum area is 200 m². If you need an even bigger banner, you can always contact us for a price quote.

Do you need multiple banners of the same material but of different sizes? You can combine banners into one product. This has several advantages. On one hand, you are sure that the material and the finishing are exactly the same. On the other hand, you get a better price due to a lower unit price and a reduction of startup costs.