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Dopper insulated 350 ml Wavy White

Dopper insulated 350 ml Wavy White

You can almost see it on your screen. This bottle vibrates with ocean-saving powers. It can't wait to make the plastic soup history. And don't let its size fool you. It will make a huge impact. With the Dopper Insulated Wavy White 350 ml your customers are claiming their part in our oceans, and protecting it from single-use water bottles. Pretty cool. We know. Hot? That too.

In every situation, this bottle keeps its contents hot for 9 hours or cold for 24. More into dark water diving than white water rafting? Then the Dopper Insulated Blazing Black, that looks more like the bottom of the Mariana Trough than the foam heads off the coast of Bali, is for you. These statement bottles come in two sizes: 580 ml and 350 ml.

Good to know

  1. Dopper - The bottle is the mission

Design guidelines

You aren't sure how to properly design your print file? Check out the design guidelines for Dopper insulated 350 ml Wavy White.

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